Google Chrome won't start on MacOS

On MacOS / OSX Sierra, Google Chrome wouldn't start. Here's how to fix.

I've been setting up a new laptop and as part of that updated all the app packages I use to configure. Anyway, I ran into an issue with Google Chrome - once installed, it wouldn't start.

It would appear in the doc for a second and then just disappear.

Anyway, fortunately is fairly easy to fix - it appears to be an issue with permissions.

Firstly, find the application in your Applications folder, select it, and hit CMD+I (for info). You should get a screen similar to this:


'Expand the 'Sharing and Permissions' element at the bottom, if it's not expanded already. Then, hit the small padlock on right-hand side - you'll need to enter your Admin level password at this point.


Now, looking on my machines I see slightly different things here. The issue is that the 'admin' or the 'system' accounts have read only access. Add or change 'admin' and set the privilege to 'Read and Write'. Click on the small cog at the bottom, and ensure you select 'Apply to enclosed items' - this will update the permissions in the package.

This should then allow Google Chrome to open properly.

Why I'm seeing different behaviours on different machines is a bit weird, but it's pretty easy to fix anyways.

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